The Wharf's Fitness Columnist Laura Williams tells us how to get singer Alicia Keys' look, with a combination of early-morning exercise sessions and fitness routines to put in practise at your desk.
The 32-year-old singer is an early bird when it comes to her exercise regime.
How she does it: Keys' alarm goes off at 5.30am.
She said: "I'm laying in bed for a good 15-20 minutes and I'm just trying to convince myself I can actually do it."
Her routine consists of aerobic exercise. Throughout the day Alicia will drop to the floor for 50 crunches or push-ups.
Do it for yourself: Early exercise starts are one thing; dropping to the floor in front of your colleagues to squeeze out 50 push ups might end up being more David Brent than American superstar.
However, that's not to say you can't do your bit at your desk. These two moves work most muscle groups and you can stay seated:
? Try the seated reverse crunch by edging your body toward the edge of your chair and place hands on armrests.
Keeping knees together, lift legs off the ground and bring them as close to your chest as you can. Hold for a count of three and lower down to a count of five, making sure back's straight. Do five at a time.
? The seated Magic Carpet Ride is a killer exercise you can impress your colleagues with. Sit in your chair with legs crossed, resting on edge of seat. Place hands on armrests, keep abs tight and raise yourself a few inches above your seat, using your abs, arms and hands. Hold for five-10 seconds. Repeat five times.
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